CORPORATE AND COMMERCIAL LAWreparation and registration of trade companies, branches, sales officesPROPERTY LAW AND OBLIGATION LAWDocument review, property research, preparation of purchase and sale contracts, exchange, donationProtection of personal dataNegotiation, execution, default, amendment and termination of civil and commercial transactionsADMINISTRATIVE AND TAX LAWConsultation in the field of taxation covers corporate income tax, taxes of individualsFAMILY AND INHERITANCE LAWAdvice on issues related to the implementation or amendment of real estate regulations or boundariesINSURANCE LAWProvides legal advice on the preparation and conclusion of insurance contracts, as well as oncoming of insurance eventsLABOR LAWWe prepare contracts, agreements to employment contracts, internal labor regulations, job descriptions, orders for amendment and termination of employment contracts
CORPORATE AND COMMERCIAL LAWreparation and registration of trade companies, branches, sales officesPROPERTY LAW AND OBLIGATION LAWDocument review, property research, preparation of purchase and sale contracts, exchange, donationProtection of personal dataNegotiation, execution, default, amendment and termination of civil and commercial transactionsADMINISTRATIVE AND TAX LAWConsultation in the field of taxation covers corporate income tax, taxes of individualsFAMILY AND INHERITANCE LAWAdvice on issues related to the implementation or amendment of real estate regulations or boundariesINSURANCE LAWProvides legal advice on the preparation and conclusion of insurance contracts, as well as oncoming of insurance eventsLABOR LAWWe prepare contracts, agreements to employment contracts, internal labor regulations, job descriptions, orders for amendment and termination of employment contracts