Application for grants under OP “Innovations and Competitiveness” in connection with the COVID-19 pandemic
The Managing Authority of Operational Program “Innovations and Competitiveness” 2014-2020 (MA of OPIC) has announced for public consultation a selection procedure for projects “Support of micro and small enterprises to overcome the economic impact of the COVID-19 pandemic” under Priority Axis 2 “Entrepreneurship and SME growth capacity” of the operational program.
The application conditions are as follows:
1) The applicant company must be a legal entity or sole proprietor registered before 01.01.2019, having conducted business activities in 2018 and 2019 and fulfilling the requirements for a micro or small enterprise under the Small and Medium Enterprises Act .
Micro-enterprises are those with an average number of employees of less than 10 people and an annual turnover not exceeding BGN 3 900 000 and / or an asset value not exceeding BGN 3 900 000. Small enterprises are those with an average staff number of less than 50 employees and an annual turnover not exceeding BGN 19,500,000 and / or an asset value not exceeding BGN 19,500,000.
2) The applicant company must report a decrease of at least 20% in turnover for the month preceding the month in which the grant application was submitted against the arithmetic average in 2019.
3) As of 31 December 2019, the applicant company has not been in difficulty (within the meaning of the General Block Exemption Regulation – Article 2, item 18 of Commission Regulation (EU) No651/2014), but has experienced difficulties after that date as a result of the COVID-19 epidemic.
We are ready and glad to assist you in preparing, completing and submitting the necessary documentation.
For more information about the conditions contact us – 0887 631 861.
Horozov & Partners Law Firm